The Korea Professional Football Federation held the 11th award and punishment committee on the 25th and said, “During the match against Jeonbuk Hyundai on the 19th, the referee was conducting a video review (VAR) on-field review, and the home team Ulsan transmitted the scene of the match to the electronic board.” He explained the reason for imposing a penalty on Ulsan, saying, “In addition, during an on-site event before the game, we exposed the contents of a cheering message containing an expression insulting the opposing club.”

The K-League competition guidelines stipulates that ‘the home club must expose an image indicating that it is being read out on the board until the end of the reading when a VAR situation occurs, and the video of the related scene cannot be replayed through the board.’ are doing In addition, the disciplinary standards for each type of reward and punishment regulation in the K-League allow a club to impose a penalty if it slanders the opposing team, but Ulsan did not abide by it.

In this year’s third ‘Hyundai Derby’, Ulsan defeated Jeonbuk 1-0 thanks to Um Won-sang’s final shot in the 26th minute of the second half, and Hyundai recorded 2 wins and 1 loss in the derby this year. 토토 On this day, 30,756 spectators entered the Ulsan Munsu Soccer Stadium, exceeding 30,000 for a home game for the first time this year. Ulsan defender Jung Seung-hyun admired, saying, “It was like being in Europe.”

However, the Ulsan club’s actions and mistakes that went beyond the limits became the tee of the prison. Ulsan became the first team to break 60 points with this victory, but lost in the manner.

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