KIA Tigers Yang Hyeon-jong, who debuted in the first team in 2007, took on the role as a starting pitcher in earnest from 2019, and threw more than 100 innings every season except for 2012. In particular, he filled 170 innings without missing a single season from 2014 to last year, and achieved a double-digit multiplier.

Even last year, when he played his first season after visiting the United States, Yang Hyeon-jong recorded 12 wins and 7 losses with an average ERA of 3.85 in 30 games and 175⅓ innings, contributing greatly to the team advancing to the postseason. It would be a lie if I said there was no regret compared to when he was in his prime, but he was a great help to the team just by playing a lot of innings. 토토 He did the same this year. Yang Hyeon-jong appeared in 8 games for two months after the season opened, and 5 games he threw 6 or more innings reached. He pitched 8 innings against the SSG Landers in Gwangju on May 9th.

Yang Hyeon-jong, who had been like that, began to shake rapidly in June. On the 2nd against the Lotte Giants in Busan and against the SSG Landers in Gwangju on the 7th, he lost with a large number of runs by 9 runs in 2 innings and 7 runs in 4⅓ innings, respectively. Yang Hyeon-jong, who failed to win in the next two games, seemed to have succeeded in rebounding with the match against KT Wiz in Gwangju on the 24th (6 innings, 1 run), but in the last 6 matches, including the match against the LG Twins in Jamsil on the 30th, he did not win even once in 6 innings. , and went down the mound.

Yang Hyeon-jong, who challenged for his first win in the second half, collapsed with 6 hits (1 home run), 4 walks, 5 strikeouts and 7 runs in 5⅔ innings in a home game against Kiwoom Heroes held at Gwangju-KIA Champions Field on the 15th. In particular, in the 4th inning, when the score was 0-0, Kim Jun-wan’s push-out walk, followed by Kim Hye-seong’s full run, led to the team’s defeat.

Yang Hyeon-jong, who has always kept the mound regardless of the team’s win or loss and whether he was a winning pitcher, is more worried about the current sluggishness from the KIA’s point of view. Since his professional debut, he has poured everything in to throw 2268 innings, the third most in the KBO League, but now he is facing a sober reality such as his age and pitch.

The coaching staff, colleagues, and fans still have faith in Yang Hyeon-jong. In order for the team to advance to the postseason, Yang Hyeon-jong’s rebound is absolutely necessary. Can the somewhat exhausted ‘Tigers Ace’ find a breakthrough?

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