The 34th CBS Cup National Secondary Volleyball Tournament, hosted by the Korea Secondary Volleyball Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Secondary Volleyball Federation) and sponsored by Inje-gun, Gangwon-do, which opened on the 24th, completed the schedule on the second day of the tournament. In the South High School Group E match held at the Inje Multipurpose Gymnasium, Gyeongbuk Physical Education High School beat Gwangju Electronic Technical High School to achieve two consecutive shutout victories. In the last game played, Jinju Dongmyeong High School beat Songlim High School with a set score of 3-1 and took one win.

Following the first day, all women’s midfield ended in shutouts. Bupyeong Girls’ Middle School defeated Geumcheon Middle School and won their first victory in the tournament. 스포츠토토 Suil Girls’ Middle School won Cheonan Bongseo Middle School and Gangneung Haeram Middle School won two consecutive victories by shutout against Ilshin Girls’ Middle School. The Hongcheon-gun Sports Association achieved 1 win and 1 loss by defeating Jecheon Girls’ Middle School.

At the Namgobu match held at the Inje Indoor Gymnasium at the same time, Songsan High School and Yail Meditech High School won against Munil High School and Hyunil High School with a set score of 3-1. Suncheon Jeil High School beat Busan Dongseong High School by shutout. Subsequently, Donghae Gwanghui High School beat Youngsaeng High School and Cheonan High School beat Sokcho High School with a set score of 3-1, completing the schedule for the second day.

The high school girls continued for a long time. Gyeongnam Girls’ High School defeated Pohang Girls’ High School after a full set of bloody battles and won their first victory in the tournament. Mokpo Girls’ High School shut out Daejeon Yongsan High School, while Hongcheon County Athletic Association and Jecheon Girls’ High School beat Gwangju Physical Education High School and Male Girls’ High School with a set score of 3-1.

In the south-central games, all ended in shutouts except for the match where Song San-joong beat Ha Dong-jung after a close match in full sets. Okcheonjung defeated Eonyang Middle School, and Iljik Middle School defeated Sosa Middle School. Yulgok Middle School and Yeonhyeon Middle School laughed against Donghae Gwanghui Middle School and Haman Middle School, respectively, while Namseong Middle School beat Keumho Middle School and Moon Il Middle School beat Hyeon Il Middle School.

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