Samsung announced that it had “requested Suarez to disclose a waiver to the Korea Baseball Organization (KBO).” In addition, Samsung said, “We plan to sign a contract with Widener, who played in NC, with the keynote that we will do our best until the end without giving up the rest of the season.”

Suarez, who played in Japan and wore a Samsung uniform last year, recorded an average ERA of 2.49 with 6 wins and 8 losses. Seungwoon did not follow, but he played his role as a starting pitcher. Suarez, who succeeded in renewing the contract, recorded an average ERA of 3.92 with 4 wins and 7 losses in 19 games this year as well.

However, Suarez went down the mound in the first inning due to an injury during a home game against the LG Twins on the 6th. The test result was a torn left calf muscle. He was told that recovery would take a month. Samsung contemplated whether to wait for a new contract with Suarez or bring in a new foreign pitcher, and eventually decided to send Suarez.

Just in time, NC announced a waiver for Widener on the 4th. Right-hander Widener was not in good shape at the beginning of this season, so it wasn’t until the end of May that he got on the mound for the first team. He pitched in 11 games and recorded 4 wins and 2 losses with an ERA of 4.52. He pitched well in his last two appearances, but NC, mindful of the postseason, sent Widener out and acquired Tanner Tully.

Widener found a new nest instead of leaving for the United States. The Taiwan league also paid attention to Widener, and Samsung also considered widener recruitment. Eventually, he took the strand to Samsung.

Samsung is at the bottom as of the 9th. With 47 games left in the regular season, the gap with the 5th place Doosan Bears is up to 9.5 games, making the fall baseball challenge virtually difficult. Even if he miraculously makes it to the postseason, Widener will not be able to pitch. According to KBO rules, if a new foreign player is brought in within August 15, he can play in the postseason. However, players transferred by waiver after August 1 cannot play in the postseason.

It is the first time in 11 years since Brian Gordon in 2012 that Samsung brought in a player who had given up from another team. There is a calculation that will somehow avoid the lowest rank. Samsung has never been in last place since its pro launch in 1982.

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