Heung-Min Son (Tottenham) has risen to the top 10 most handsome world football players. According to Techno Sports on the 24th (Korean time), Son Heung-min is the 10th most handsome soccer player in the world.

Technosport introduced, ” Son Heung-min is a Korean professional soccer player. Born on July 8, 1992, he plays as a striker for Premier League club Tottenham Hotspur and captain of the Korean national team.” “He is one of the best forwards in the world. He is regarded as one of the greatest Asian footballers of all time and is known for his explosive speed, finishing, ability to play both feet and links.”

Number one is the retired David Beckham. Speaking of Beckham, Technosport said, ” British former professional footballer and tops the list of the world’s most handsome footballers. He was born on 2nd May 1975. He currently co-owners Inter Miami. He is an active player. 토토 “Known for his versatility in passing, crossing and bending free kicks, Beckham started his career at Manchester United and retired in 2013 after a 20-year career, winning 19 major trophies.”

Cristiano Ronaldo occupied third place, Lionel Messi ranked sixth and Neymar ranked eighth.

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