Korean Air, led by coach Tommy Tillikainen, scored a set score of 1-3 (18-25 25-22 22-25 22-25) to Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance in the men’s quarterfinals of the 2023 Gumi Dodram Cup Professional Volleyball Tournament held at Gumi Park Chung-hee Gymnasium on the 12th. They lost and failed to advance to the finals.

Korean Air had 10 available resources as the main players were selected for the national team. Nevertheless, he showed his potential to rise to the quarterfinals. 안전놀이터 The expression of coach Tillikainen, who entered the press conference after the failure to advance to the semifinals, was not so dark. He said, “Samsung Fire & Marine showed a fantastic defense. Strong attacks came in well. Those things made it difficult for us. “I don’t feel good when I lose a game. Still, the players accepted the new challenge, and there were also lessons learned through the competition. I will come back stronger and come back this season.”

Korean Air’s biggest gain is Lee Joon. Lee Joon also scored 24 points, the most on the team. The attack success rate was also 51.16%. While Kwak Seung-seok (16 points, 26.83% attack success rate) was sluggish, Lee Joon led the attack. Coach Tillikainen said, “It was like that before the tournament, but Lee Joon said that he should become our team ace. There was a scene where Lee Joon carried the team during the game. I see it positively,” he was satisfied.

In particular, Korean Air showed impressive volleyball, such as destroying positions without hesitation. The setter went on the attack and conducted several experiments. On this day too, Han and Jeong Jin-hyeok were put in together and tried to attack by changing positions. Coach Tillicaine said, “We operated flexibly by changing positions. This part worked. I thought I could write well. If 10 players add only one technique each, there are 10. As a team, it’s huge,” he said.

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