Daegu FC, which is competing fiercely for the mid-tier, desperately needs Koh Jae-hyun, a key resource for the team, to enter the top split in the second half. Ko Jae-hyun, who has played 24 games this season, going back and forth between the offensive line and midfielder, is recording 5 goals and 1 assist, which is a bit disappointing compared to the 9 points he recorded until July last season.

Ko Jae-hyun, who played in all matches, including replacements until the 24th round, played 24 matches with Kim Jin-hyeok, the most in the team, and had a hard time due to physical fatigue due to position change and being eliminated from the Asian Games team. 먹튀검증 Due to the accumulation of warnings, you will not be able to compete in the next match.

Daegu, which is playing without Ko Jae-hyun for the first time this season in a head-to-head match against league leader Ulsan Hyundai, had the homework to think about new cards for the attack and midfield line. Daegu, which desperately needs the offensive power of Ko Jae-hyun, who showed splendid performances as an offensive resource for the team, is expected to be the key to the rebound for the revival of the team’s offensive power, which has fallen from last year.

Daegu, which is currently in 7th place, must finish 6th or better in the next 9 matches before the split round to join the top split, Final A, in two years.

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