In the first game with the new starter Widener, Samsung suffers a scoreless defeat in 51 days with the silence of the batting line. On the 13th, in the last game of the weekend against SSG Landers in Incheon, Samsung took on a winning series challenge with a series record of 1 win and 1 loss. With the start of the second half, Samsung, which showed the power to make a turnaround even after giving up the first run based on the batting line that came alive actively with the start of the second half, showed signs of uneasiness as the batting line was silent on every chance from the previous day. We taste the humiliation of Youngbongpae in the midst of sluggishness.

Samsung’s last defeat was on June 23rd, and on that day, it was also an Incheon expedition against SSG, and at that time, the opponent was Kim Gwang-hyun. 스포츠토토 This season, starting with NC and the opening game, Samsung gave up a scoreless game 8 times, and only SSG recorded the most 3 consecutive defeats. Following this, Kiwoom and NC have two records, and Hanwha also has a record of one Youngbong defeat. In Samsung, where the starting pitcher failed to win in all three games, both Buchanan and Baek Jeong-hyun, who were ahead of them, met the winning pitcher requirements, and Widener, who was the first to wear a Samsung uniform, also played his part as a starting pitcher, and it is comforting that he expected to play an active role in the future.

Samsung, which continued a fierce game amid fatigue from the heat wave, succeeded in getting out of last place thanks to the even performance of the batting line, where new faces continued to appear among injured and sluggish players. . In a situation where the bottom ranks fluctuate, Samsung, with two consecutive losses and a 2.5 game gap with the 8th place Hanwha Eagles, is still maintaining 9th place with Kiwoom at the bottom falling into a sluggish 4 consecutive losses.

Samsung, which faced off against KIA and Doosan competing for the top 5 in August, and LG and SSG, the leading contenders, will again play a six-game match at home this week against the leader LG Twins and the KIA Tigers, who are aiming for a 5th place jump, next week. We will face lower-tier rivals Hanwha-Kiwoom in turn.

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